Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New Web Site

I'm so excited about publishing my brand spankin' new web site this week. Not only does it bring together all of the mediums I work with in a comprehensive and I hope, easy to use manner but I've also added a webstore. I will still maintain my Etsy stores but I'll use my site's store to sell special items such as photos with special mounting and materials, like Fuji metallic, deep matte and canvas. I only have a few items listed so far but I will be adding new offerings as time allows and as I create new work.
click on the image to visit

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

True Promotional Value

 Often friends ask to use my photos or artwork for free. More often, strangers use it without even asking. People who would never walk into a person's restaurant and ask for a free meal or ask to "borrow" clothes from a friend's clothing shop just don't seem to see the value in art work or the time, energy and effort involved in creating or even less, the fact that I'm trying to make a living here. All of that aside, I have often allowed friends and family use of my images but I expect true promotional value in return. That doesn't mean a small mention in small print. True promotional value should include: 1) My signature and copyright clearly visible on the art work, 2) A visible notation with the name of the art work and my name, 3) A link to my website or etsy store, or I'm not trying to be mean but only trying to protect myself and my work. I know that I can not prevent people from sharing my work that is posted on the internet but I would like some common courtesy shown me in return. That seems very little to ask. 

If I Could Fly

If I Could Fly
The wind of heaven is that which flows between a horse's ears.