Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Postcard Horse

My hand is improving quickly. Although there are still a few tender spots that I think will keep me from handling a camera for a few more days, I can now use my "typing fingers." So, yesterday, I took an image I did a few weeks ago and "worked" with it a bit. I tried to give it the look and visual texture of an old postcard (thus the name) and I added the wings because I thought he looked as if he should have them and the text to accompany the wings. I've got this one available as a poster on my Red Bubble site and I'll put it up later on my Etsy site. I'm also thinking of working with it a bit more and making a Tshirt out of the design. We will see. I had fun; it was nice to get my hand into creative work once again. 
I have an amusing story that made me smile on a Monday morning and I hope it has the same wonderful effect on you. I saw a news story on TV about the rescue of two baby raccoons from a vending machine where they had somehow become trapped. It was a sweet story with a happy ending but the funny part was the fellow who came from Wildlife Services to rescue the raccoons. He turned his back to the camera and on his shirt was written, "I handle wild animals for a living. So, if you see me running, TRY TO KEEP UP!" hehehehe...you gotta love it:))

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If I Could Fly

If I Could Fly
The wind of heaven is that which flows between a horse's ears.