Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Treasure does not clink together or glitter rather it glistens in the sunlight and neighs in the night. ~attributed both as a gypsy saying and an old Arabian one
I've learned that you can click on the image for a larger view. This composite/collage is my latest offering created during this insomnia haunted night. So if it doesn't look as good in the light of day as it does now, at 3:15 in the morning...forgive me. 
I started working on this with intention of entering it into a group challenge (Fine Art Composites) on But I tend to create several copies along the way from start to finish and the final one started as a flattened version of the one before. Meaning that, once I lost both the original and the copy of it, I had no way of retrieving the information on each step and layer that I needed for the competition. I still have over a week to create a new entry so I guess I will literally be going back to the drawing board.:)

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If I Could Fly

If I Could Fly
The wind of heaven is that which flows between a horse's ears.